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Student Enrollment in AHIMA VLab™

Instructors should advise students on which AHIMA VLab enrollment option they want students to use (see below), and the specific timing for enrolling into the AHIMA VLab. Students should coordinate with their instructors accordingly.

Students enroll into AHIMA VLab using one of three options:

  1. The student receives an enrollment code from the instructor. Follow Steps 1-4 in the "How to Redeem an AHIMA VLab Enrollment Code Received from a Bookstore or Instructor" section below.
  2. The student purchases an enrollment code from the campus bookstore. Follow Steps 1-4 in the "How to Redeem an AHIMA VLab Enrollment Code Received from a Bookstore or Instructor" section below.
  3. The student may also purchase AHIMA VLab access directly from AHIMA via the AHIMA Store. Please see the “How to Purchase AHIMA VLab Access via the AHIMA Store” section below for those instructions.

  1. Log into the new AHIMA Learning Center, select “Add Class +”, input the enrollment code into the text box then select the “Submit Code” button (do not click the button more than once).

  2. If you received the code from your instructor that is all you need to do; you should be immediately sent to your course once the code redeems. If you received it from a bookstore you will just need to choose your school from the dropdown list that appears, then you will be sent to your course.

  3. All AHIMA VLab applications are accessible immediately upon completion of the individual user enrollment. However, students should wait for further directions from their instructors before proceeding (instructors will assign the AHIMA VLab activities according to their specific course syllabus).

  4. Some AHIMA VLab™ applications require an additional self-registration step by the user before the application can be used. In such cases, step-by-step instructions are available within specific activities located under the application sections of AHIMA VLab™ Academy, as well as the course’s Application Launch Center.

Instructors should advise students on which AHIMA VLab enrollment option they want students to use (see below), and The third AHIMA VLab enrollment option available is for students to purchase AHIMA VLab access directly from AHIMA via the AHIMA Store. Students are reminded to coordinate with their instructor before making their purchase using this option.

General instructions for this purchase option are provided below. Your instructor will provide more-specific instructions. Also note that for this enrollment option no separate AHIMA VLab enrollment code is provided to the student; AHIMA VLab Academy will automatically be added to the student’s Learning Center page at the time of purchase.

  1. The student will go to the AHIMA Store then search for the AHIMA VLab™ product they want to purchase. When you add it to your cart, you will be prompted to log in with your AHIMA credentials on the left side of the page in order to purchase.

    If you do not have an AHIMA account, you must create a free account on the right side of the page (this is not an AHIMA membership, just a free account so you can log into websites).

  2. After the product is added to your cart, click on your cart in the upper-right corner of the page, then select “Checkout”. Make sure the quantity next to the AHIMA VLab enrollment codes product says “1” in the cart. Complete all the information on the Checkout screen then select “Place Order”.

  3. Once the purchase goes through, you will be directed to the AHIMA Learning Center and you will see your AHIMA VLab course is already there. Click on the name of the course and you will be prompted to choose your school from the dropdown list, then you will be sent directly to your AHIMA VLab course.
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